Jude: 40 Months Old

I’m a month behind with updates for the boys. So way back at the end of August Jude turned 40 Months Old. He had an awesome month as he we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s for it.

He’s at the age where he can really connect with Grandpa and Grandma, which is really special.

img_7483He is Mr. Entertainer. He is always talking, making up games, or trying out new tricks. I love that his imagination is so big and is only going to keep getting bigger.

img_8601He loved being outside exploring my parent’s yard. We caught so many frogs.

img_7254It took him a good week to get over his jet-lag so he would end up in my bed quite a bit.

img_7292Jude always wanted to be doing whatever Grandpa was doing.

img_7451Jude ate so well in America. In fact, we haven’t had any issues with him being fussy about food for quite some time. He’s grown out of whatever it was he went through and now happily sits at the table and eats without a battle.

img_7466Jude loved watching Disney Junior on a big flat-screen. He also got to go to his very first movie at the theatres with Grandpa. They saw, “The Secret Lives of Pets”. Grandpa said Jude ate a lot of popcorn and was very good.

img_7225I love this age so much as he really understands things. He understands that we live in a different country from Grandma and Grandpa. He understands that if he waits 5 minutes, I will come play with him after. I can tell him when something is difficult for me (usually Toby) and he will empathise and try to help me out. On the airplane he was incredible. Toby was a big challenge (from being over tired and super needy). When Jude had to pee, he asked me to come with him but I couldn’t as I was knee-deep with Toby, so I told him to go ahead by himself and if needs help to ask a flight-attendant. Without a second thought, he hopped up from his seat and did  exactly that. He continued to do so though out the flight, even when he had to poop! I was really impressed by how grown-up this was!

img_7982He certainly still has his moments. We have this book called, ‘Clark the Shark’ that we love reading to Jude as it describes him so well. Clark the Shark has a big personality and sometimes he is just too much for other people and so he’s always getting reminded to ‘stay cool’. Jude gets overly excited and becomes a wrecking ball so we’ll tell him to remember Clark the Shark.

img_7988He’s a busy kid and when things slow down, or he gets bored, it’s usually prime time for him to act out.

img_7264Go Jude, go!


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