Chinese New Year 2014

We stuck around Taipei for Chinese New Year this year.

IMG_0556We kicked off New Years with a hotpot lunch at our Taiwanese friend’s home.

IMG_0560Jude munched on tofu and enjoyed crawling around checking out all the different people.

IMG_0564The next day we went to a BBQ at our NZ friend’s house. There were two other babies to keep Jude busy.


IMG_0603The rest of the week we spent doing more eating (homemade pizza, yum yum),

IMG_0612Cleaning up around the house (thanks to the cats…),

IMG_0557A bit of window shopping (I really love the cat ones!),



Playing at home,


And getting out and exploring Taipei. We went to a temple,

IMG_0566And to the Gongguan Water Museum.

IMG_0667In the spirit of all things new, Jude tried curry for the first time and was a fan.

IMG_0677We also spent a lot of time working on him being gentle to Fern. Him holding a cat toy actually stops him from clobbering her!

IMG_0626Luke and I also finished watching all of Breaking Bad (insanely good) and  started House of Cards (so far also excellent)!