Aunt Pearl

We were lucky enough to have a second visitor this month! Luke’s younger sister, Pearl, came to stay for just over a week.

IMG_0192She didn’t have time for jet lag as thanks to Jude she was right into play time.

IMG_0194Later in the day we strapped both kiddos into the ergos and went for a neighborhood stroll.

IMG_0196Pearl was such a huge help with both boys and she even managed to keep our house so tidy while she was here- such a pro!



IMG_0279During the days we did a lot sightseeing around the neighborhood.


IMG_0272And at night, after the boys were asleep, her and I would go on night market adventures while Luke babysat.

IMG_0312Mmm mmm- Gua Bao!


IMG_0460She did a few solo trips out to the playground with Jude and marveled at all the attention they got!

IMG_0337Our friend Yeats stopped by on the weekend to meet Toby and Pearl. These three went out for a Taiwanese lunch and ice cream while I stayed home with the boys.

IMG_0392We booked our babysitter one night and both got out with Pearl. We took her to the very fun and entertaining, Kanpai where you cook your own meat over a BBQ and they have all these quirky things you can do – like kissing someone for 10 seconds for a free beer. Of course, Luke and I couldn’t resist a challenge like that!


IMG_0409The rest of her time here we just hung out.


IMG_0492On her last day we took her to Din Tai Fung as there was no way she could leave here without trying their food.


IMG_0477She had to leave for the airport before the boys got up so we said our goodbyes the night before. Jude resisted her saying goodbye as, like all of us, didn’t want her to leave!

IMG_0525We forgot to take a group photo before Toby fell asleep!

IMG_0521Thanks again, Aunty Pearl! We can’t wait to see your beautiful face here again someone soon.


Grandma Elizabeth

We just had another very special visitor – Luke’s Mum – come and stay for over a week. It wasn’t long after her arrival when she discovered Jude also loved dancing. She promptly introduced him to Mc Hammer and taught him how to Hammer time!.

IMG_9808Just like last time, she came with a suitcase full of NZ gifts and goodies for us. She gave Toby his first bear made from a beautiful soft wool.

IMG_0025We did a lot while she was here.

One nice morning we went to Daan Park to feed the ducks and birds.

IMG_9852Another day, we went with Jude to Costco where Elizabeth bought Jude an awesome set of pretend food to go with his kitchen.

IMG_9899It didn’t take long for Jude to discover this Grandma also had an iPad!

IMG_9905Elizabeth was such a big help with both boys – taking Jude to the playground so I could get some rest or staying home with Toby so I could get out and run errands.

IMG_9911One errand I have been meaning to do for awhile was get Jude a new bike seat on the back of my bike.

IMG_9830One night Elizabeth watched the boys for us and Luke and I got out for a date night – pizza, beer and shopping.

IMG_9870We managed a few outings with both the boys as the weather was excellent.

IMG_9934Luke was at work most of the time she was here so it was wonderful having the extra pair of hands around to help out – whether it be with mealtimes, diaper changes, burping or bath time.

IMG_0034And of course, just hanging out around at home.



IMG_0013On her second to last night we went to Raohe Night Market where we had dinner and browsed the stalls.



IMG_9965We took a group shot the morning of her departure.

IMG_0028And Jude and I saw her off with a very teary goodbye.

IMG_0036We are so grateful for getting to spend so much time with Grandma Elizabeth and cannot even begin to express how thankful we are for all her help. Hopefully she’ll come back and visit us again soon!

Toby: 1 Month Old

We made it through the first month! Yay!

IMG_9469At his one month check-up Toby weighed in at 5.3kgs (11.7lbs) and 56cm (22 in) long! Clearly, a very good eater!

IMG_9755When he was not eating, Toby slept a lot this month. He would drop off to sleep pretty easily- especially after a big meal or bath.


IMG_8715He still loves his sleep but is starting to need more work from Mom and Dad to be put down. So begins the swaddling, rocking, breastfeed, burp, diaper check dance (repeat, repeat, repeat). This is not an easy task with a toddler running around!

IMG_9365And then when I get him down, the aim is to make sure Jude doesn’t wake him up!

IMG_9231We’re in the process of rearranging furniture so Toby has somewhere quiet, dark, and safe to sleep during the day. During the night, him and I are bed buddies. I bought a co-sleeper that attaches onto the side of the bed but we don’t use it. I like having him all cuddled up next to me.

IMG_9539I especially love watching Toby drift off to sleep –  the funny faces and sleepy smiles are too cute!

IMG_9388At just over a week old we started him on the bottle. I was keen to get him used to it early on so I could get out and about with Jude while someone else watched Toby. He took it with no problem which was a relief.


IMG_8987Like Jude his first few month, Toby is usually crying because of a gassy tummy. My milk comes out very fast so he swallows a lot of air as he struggles to keep up. Grandpa was a big help in this department – an expert baby belly massager.

IMG_5793After my parents left and Luke went back to work, I had my first week alone with two kiddos. We have a babysitter that comes four times a week for four hours at a time to help me out. This means I have four half days and one whole day with the boys.

IMG_9457Things can get pretty nutty. Lunch one day:

IMG_9357Keeping Jude entertained through a big cry session:



Our first day alone we made a short trip out to the park for some dirt play. Jude was really good but I usually always end up carrying him home – not easy with a sleeping baby strapped to my chest.

IMG_9348The second day I managed to lure Jude into the stroller and so we picked up some groceries.

IMG_9450Timing and a bit of good luck have made my trips out with two good ones so far.I am anxiously awaiting my first two child public explosion where both are crying uncontrollably at once.

My goal is to get some one-on-on time with either boy each week. Toby and I made our first trip out together to 7-11 for a coffee. It was short but nice just to peek into the baby carrier and see his sweet little face snoozing away. 
A newborn sleeping on you has to be one of the sweetest things in life.



Over the month Toby has grown to really like the bath. He still isn’t a fan of getting dressed and undressed or having his diaper changed.

IMG_9289He doesn’t cry much but when he does it is earth-shattering. No whimpering, no slow ascent – just straight into, “pick me up/feed me/ stop what you’re doing right now!!!!!”. Yikes.

IMG_9363Despite our best attempts, he’s still learning to love the pacifier.

IMG_9376One month in and this little guy has really grown on us all.

IMG_9699I still can’t believe just over a month ago he was in my tummy.

IMG_8868The newborn craziness will soon pass,

IMG_8726And before we know it, these two will be playing Legos together.



IMG_8782We love you sweet Toby and are so happy to have you as part of our family.
