
As I mentioned in my last post our Christmas didn’t go as planned. We had planned on having spending half of Christmas Day with my Grandma at her nursing home and then coming home after and having a nice Christmas dinner. So that morning my Mom went over to the nursing home before lunch to get Grandma ready for our arrival and found her in a bad way. She had had pneumonia for the past week and was progressively getting worse. On Christmas Day she was completely out of it, wasn’t talking, and had a badly swollen lip and legs. So no question about it she had to go to the hospital. So off they went in the ambulance to the hospital and my Dad joined them there.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stayed at home and had the lunch we prepared for Grandmas. We decided to carry on as normal and after lunch got to work on Christmas dinner. We received regular updates from Mom and Dad about Grandma. By the time she was finished being examined and placed into a room it was well into the evening. And it was almost 9pm by the time they finally got home.


As soon as they got back we cracked a bottle of bubbly, toasted


And dug into the appetizers Luke and Rob had prepared (Pigs in Blankets).

IMG_3215Yum, yum

IMG_3222And after we sat down to a very late but delicious Christmas dinner.

IMG_7597Then it was time for presents.

IMG_7633Here’s Nat with a Weiqi board from Luke and I.

IMG_7637Jen with a fancy face tool to make her look younger from Mom and Dad.

IMG_7642Rob in a Taipei Elephants Baseball jersey.

IMG_7667Dad with practice chopsticks to help him prepare for their upcoming trip to Taiwan.

IMG_7679Luke and Rob gave eachother the same book.

IMG_7670We got a subscription to the Economist and a bottle of whiskey from Mom and Dad.

IMG_7681We had a great time but of course missed getting to see Grandma. So once she was feeling better, a few days after Christmas, we headed over for a belated Christmas visit. (I had to wear a face mask to protect my pregnant self from getting pnemonia).

IMG_7707Grandma loved her gifts, which included a lot of tasty treats and a cool photo calendar from Nat.

IMG_7739She wasn’t really supposed to be eating anything other than what the hospital gave her but we decided to live dangerously.

IMG_7728It was nice to spend time with her even if it wasn’t as we had planned.


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